Behind the Practice
Healing Empowerment for Every Body Since 2010
We know that life can be full of frustrating reproductive health challenges.
It’s like when you’re hoping to alleviate menstrual cycle pain, or discomfort and fear around pregnancy, but you’re told that these things are “normal” and can’t be fixed.
Or maybe you’re dealing with infertility and wanting to naturally conceive, but doctors give you few explanations, and even fewer treatment options?
These are times when having the right healing partner on your side can make all the difference for both your present and your future.
That’s why we give you both solutions and a lifetime of reproductive health empowerment that can ripple for generations to come. As a multi-certified fertility educator, holistic reproductive health practitioner, massage therapist, and former doula, Donna Zubrod provides inclusive healing empowerment to you at all cycles of your life – encompassing issues of infertility, pain, discomfort, and uncertainty before, during, and after pregnancy.
Celebrating every body, we help any individual with female anatomy and their support partners through Donna’s integrated approach to body empowerment through self-knowledge.
This big picture, powerful process can encompass quality, in-depth reproductive health education, self-care techniques, massage therapy (including fertility enhancing massage), and non-religious fertility awareness methods (You Can Do It! Cycle Tracking). Donna serves clients both online and safely in-person in the NC Triangle, via private massage and bodywork, reproductive health education sessions, and unique, hands-on workshops. Her work is powered by multiple innovative modalities, including the maya abdominal techniques of Dr. Rosita Arvigo, DN.
Since 2010, Donna has guided more than 1,000 clients to happier, healthier, and more empowered lives.
From treating painful periods, to birth recovery and C-section scar healing, and even to natural conception when all hope had seemed lost, she’s here to be your holistic partner for wherever you are in your reproductive health journey.
Contact Donna today, so you can stop discomfort and lacking answers about your body, and start feeling confident about your reproductive health – ready to conceive or avoid pregnancy naturally, have a more pain-free period or pregnancy, and alleviate the important concerns that too many have told you are impossible to fix.
Because at Seven Generations, we believe the answers and pathways are there. And you deserve a non-judgmental partner who’ll listen to your needs to help you find them. So, if you’re ready for more healing empowerment, Donna is here for you.
Let’s find your way together.
“My partner and I both felt empowered to engage in my healing.
We’ve experienced incredible results that we never anticipated. I have experienced a lessening of period pain. I have also had a total relief of pains and discomforts in our sexual life that I had come to think were normal. This relief has completely changed the experience for me and I am deeply grateful.
Your work is powerful and important. Thank you.”